Re-opening of Tennis Courts

Dear Member,

In line with the recent Victorian Government announcement of the easing of restrictions relating to COVID – 19 and Tennis Victoria’s subsequent guidelines on a return to tennis, I am pleased to advise that our club’s courts at both Mount Waverley and Roy Street will re-open for social play and coaching with effect from Friday 15th May 2020.

Tennis is now allowed for either singles or doubles, however in group sizes of no more than 10 people and ensuring that social distancing is practised at all times. Our clubhouse will remain closed until further advice, however the main entrance to the clubhouse will be open and will thus allow access to upstairs toilets on an emergency basis.

Walk-up play will not be possible and Members will need to book courts via the Book A Court system. This is to ensure that we keep a record of all persons who have played on our courts at any given time in case this is needed later for contact tracing purposes. We trust that our members will understand these measures and co-operate with us on this. If you experience difficulty in accessing the Book A Court system, please feel free to contact either Kane Dewhurst on 0401 052636 or Ross Johnson on 0404 830374 for assistance with this.

We also strongly encourage all members to download the COVIDSafe app, if not done already, to assist with participant tracking in the case of a positive COVID-19 test result of any other person they may have come into contact with.

To keep our tennis and wider community safe. there are some guidelines we must adhere to, namely;

Before you Play:

  • Please stay at home if you have been exposed to someone with COVID – 19 in the last 14 days or have even mild flu-like symptoms. If you are in a high-risk health category, please consider whether you should be playing tennis at any time during this period and please do not take any unnecessary risks. Any member who experiences post-play flu, cold or cough – like symptoms must contact the club immediately by email at

Attending Tennis Activities:

  • Only people core to playing or coaching should be at the venue.
  • Everyone, regardless of their role, must arrive and leave as close as possible to when they need to at the venue.

Social distancing:

  • Keep 1.5 metres away from other people.
  • Please refrain from handshakes and/or high fives.
  • Please consider the need to change ends while playing and avoid this if possible.


  • To protect against infection, you should:
  • Wash/sterilise your hands before and after you play.
  • Not share water bottles and bring your own bottle, already full.
  • Bring your own hand sanitiser.
  • Be aware of what surfaces you touch and ensure you clean them after play.

Tennis Activities:

  • Members should vacate the court no later than 5 minutes prior to the end time of their booking (having already completed any bagging/watering).This will ensure there is a buffer between sessions to allow for people to enter and leave the venue.
  • If possible, leave gates to courts ajar so that players do not need to touch handles etc to gain access to the courts.
  • Consider nominating one person per group to handle the bagging and watering of the courts.
  • Please do not share any rackets.
  • Court baggers to be wiped down after use.

Whilst we welcome the decision of the authorities to ease the restrictions and allow tennis courts to open, we must be mindful of the need to keep the tennis and wider community safe and therefore all take responsibility to minimise the effects and spread of COVID – 19. Any localised outbreak may require us to again restrict activity and access.

The situation is constantly evolving, so we will keep all our members informed of any developments and additional guidelines as these come to hand.

If any members wishes to have further information on any of the above, please feel free to contact me on 0401 779164, or any other Board Member.

I look forward to seeing many of you down at the courts soon.

Best Regards,






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