Sets in the City – an event exclusively for females. Join us for an afternoon of fun, laughter, and connection through tennis. Whether you have played a lot, or not at all, all women and girls are welcome.


“Girls & women who play sport together have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem”

MCC Glen Iris Valley Tennis Club is partnering with “This Girl Can” to celebrate and support all Victorian women to embrace physical activity in a way that suits them. It’s about giving something a go and discovering how good being active can make you FEEL! For a lot of less active women, it’s a lack of confidence and fear of judgment that’s been stopping them from getting involved in physical activity. We want you to feel welcome and not worry about your appearance, outfit, or ability and prioritise doing something for yourself.

We would like to invite you to Sets in the City, an event exclusively for females. Join us for an afternoon of fun, laughter, and connection through tennis. Whether you have played a lot, or not at all, all women and girls are welcome. So bring along your daughter, sister, or friend for an on-court hit followed by a guest speaker. Our hour will conclude with a complimentary sip from the bar (over 18’s only) and nibbles.

Girls & women who play sport together have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem. Being active also improves physical health, mental wellbeing and social connection. So what are you waiting for?



Womens Event MCC GIV


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