


Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of Club Members will be held in the Burke Road Methodist Church Hall (near High St.) on Monday, January 22nd, 1951, at 7.45 p.m.
BUSINESS – Consideration of proposals for Restoration of Club House.

A brief review of action to date is appended hereunder for the information of members.

Members will recall that a tentative plan of a proposed building to be erected on the triangle between the Bowling Green and the Tennis Courts was exhibited before members at the Annual General Meeting in August, 1950.

The Annual Meeting generally endorsed the proposal to build a new Clubhouse and authorised the raising of a loan of £7,000 to assist in financing the new building.

Since the Annual Meeting the General Committee has given much consideration to the matter, and many meeting, augmented by co-opted Club members, have been held.

Difficult has been experienced in finalising on a design which would satisfy the requirements of all sections.

A further important factor which has assumed proportions predominating even that of design, is the question of finance.

Costs have continued to increase and now approximate 30% on the estimates made last April – at that time the new building was estimated to cost £10,000.

This development obviously has involved much discussion, so much so, that the General Committee is now apprehensive of the ability of the Club to finance the project of a new building.

Consideration has been given to the design of a building which could be erected sectionally. Such a proposal has great disadvantages, for, not only would the Club be loaded indefinitely with heavy financial commitments, but the eventual completion of the building would be lost in the dim uncertainties of the future, whilst in the interim, the Club would be little better off for accommodation than it is at present.

The crux of the whole position is now the question of FINANCE. The response to the appeal to members for contributions to the Restoration Fund has not been encouraging. The total amount in hand towards the restoration of the Clubhouse is £2,761, including insurance, an increase of only 127 on the amount in hand at 30/6/1950, notwithstanding the appeal contained in the Annual Report.

Realising that a new Clubhouse would cost at least £12,000 without equipment or furnishings, the Committee has, as an alternative, obtained an estimate for reconditioning the remains of the old Clubhouse, and restoring the damaged portion with improved amenities, somewhat on the lines proposed before the old Clubhouse was burnt. The alternative proposal would cost approx. £6,500.

In the light of these developments the General Committee desires to discuss with members the following propositions:-

  1. Shall the Committee proceed further with the proposal to erect a new building approx. cost £12,000? or
  2. Shall the Committee restore the old Clubhouse on the original site with improved amenities and an attractive elevation, estimated cost £6,500?
  3. What is the financial capacity of the Club to support A or B – Funds in hand £2,761?
    (It might be stated here that the financial aspect was closely considered by the General Committee as its last meeting at which co-opted members were present. All members present came to the conclusion that in view of developments, and after considering all aspects, the Club should concentrate on the restoration of the Clubhouse on the old site.)
  4. Should the finance required additional to the funds in hand and further donations which may be received, be raised by means of a Mortgage Loan or by Bank Overdraft?

Further details will be given at the Special General Meeting to be held on Monday, 22nd January, 1951, as announced above.

Yours faithfully,

Hon. General Secretary

N.B. – The General Committee would be pleased and encouraged if members who have not yet subscribed to the Restoration Fund and would care to do so, would complete the intimation hereunder, detatch and return to the Hon. General Secretary.

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